Top 10 Marketing Podcasts for Water Lab Managers

Why should water lab managers listen to marketing podcasts? First and foremost, podcasts are a convenient way to learn the basics of marketing, a subject that you probably didn't study formally but is integral to your job. The good news is that marketing is the kind of skill you can learn on the job.
In today's digital era, best practices for marketing change quickly, and recently published media like podcasts will have more up-to-date information than a textbook would.
How Podcasts Can Help You Learn Effective Marketing
With such a wealth of podcasts to choose from, it's likely you can find the right content for your needs and preferences. You could listen to an hour-long interview with a leading marketing expert on your commute to the lab. Or, if that's too long, you could listen to a shorter podcast that offers quick actionable marketing tips for small and mid-sized businesses. You can even subscribe to water-industry podcasts so that your phone will automatically have the latest episodes from experts in the industry.
Top 10 Marketing Podcasts for Water Labs
Here's a list of the best marketing podcasts for water lab managers:
1. Online Marketing Made Easy
If you're brand new to marketing, start here. Host Amy Porterfield provides approachable information for people who want to learn the basics of digital marketing strategies.
2. The Business of Digital
Many marketing podcasts are targeted at people who market goods to consumers, which isn't always relevant for water labs. Instead, check out The Business of Digital for a variety of digital marketing topics for small and mid-sized businesses. Episodes include, for example, tips on how to use LinkedIn ads to attract business, predictions for what conferences will look like in 2021 and beyond, and how to consider local lingo in your marketing communications.
3. The Marketing Companion With Mark Schaefer and Brooke Sellas
The Marketing Companion podcast covers a large range of topics by two marketing experts. It is educational and informative, but the hosts also incorporate humor, so it's a good one to listen to when you need a break from the more serious topics.
4. Marketing School
One of the unique benefits of podcasts is they give you access to top experts who would otherwise be hard to reach. Marketing School co-host Neil Patel is a well-known expert on search engine optimization and other digital marketing strategies. With 10-minute episodes every day (and a backlog of 1,600), you can easily find the hot takes on whichever marketing topic you're focused on at the moment.
5. Social Media Lab
Social Media Lab is perfect for lab managers because it treats social media like a lab experiment. The host sets up experiments using real social media accounts and explains the science behind which strategies are the most effective.
6. Water in Real Life
A big part of marketing is learning to think like your customer. As a lab manager, you need to keep up with the water industry so that you can understand the challenges your customers face. This is essential if you're hoping to provide high-quality services that meet your client's specific needs. The Water in Real Life podcast focuses on water utilities and includes topics such as public outreach, public policy relating to water, and even a "Water Nerd's Guide to Storytelling."
7. The Water Values
Want to find out what industry leaders are saying about water utilities, perfluoroalkyl substances, and wastewater treatment so you can better market your services? Check out The Water Values podcast by Bluefield Research, an independent advisory firm that was founded to help utilities, companies, and organizations address water challenges.
8. Words on Water
Another notable podcast is the Water Environment Federation's Words on Water. It features conversations with influential and interesting people from across the water sector. Find out about water sector trends so that you can focus your marketing efforts on the right opportunities.
9. Social Pros
Social Pros includes insights from social media strategists and discussions of trends and ideas in the social media industry. Learn how to use Facebook ads and organic (unpaid) content on social media to help more customers discover your water lab.
10. Everyone Hates Marketers
When you are a scientist at heart, marketing might not be your first love. However, it is an essential part of your job as a lab manager — and you might be surprised by how much marketing can help increase your lab's revenue. Listen to the Everyone Hates Marketers podcast for straightforward and actionable insights into marketing strategies that don't feel advertorial.
Consider these as some of the best marketing podcasts for water lab managers. Whether you want the occasional in-depth review on a particular marketing subject or you're looking for quick, up-to-date insights across all aspects of marketing, there is a podcast (or 10) out there for you.